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Exosome Therapy for Hair Loss/Thinning


10 in stock



What is exosome therapy for hair loss? By injecting exosomes and growth factors, it has been clinically shown to help regenerate and regrow hair as a treatment for hair loss in both men and women in the earlier stages of hair loss. Exosomes are stem cells per say. Instead, they are the building blocks of such.
Exosomes are stem cells per say. Instead, they are the building blocks of such. They generate within their cells of origin if the multivesicular body fuses with the cell membrane, thereby releasing intraluminal vesicles as exosomes. These small cellular products contain both RNA and, even of greater import, mRNA; the initiator of protein manufacturing. These protein building blocks’ roles are dependent on their cell of origin. Many act as signalers for bodily functions, such as coagulation, as well as cellular growth to facilitate said bodily functions. Such signaling and growth factors, studies currently show, are a result of the exosome’s origin.

$5500 trade
(1 treatment, which is all you need)
2 packages available